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TrainSchedule Now Available In App World - Put Train Schedules On Your BlackBerry

TranSchedule TranSchedule

I just checked out TrainSchedule from and must say I really like it. It puts train schedules at your fingertips and makes your daily commute or that weekend trip a lot easier to handle. After installing the app, you are presented with a list of trains - everything from Amtrak to the Long Island Railroad. You simply pick a line, install the schedule and you're done.  You can download multiple schedules, map your trip with GPS and even integrate railroads for connecting trips. This is a fantastic application for those that commute on the train or just want to have multiple schedules handy.  A free trial is available OTA from or in the CrackBerry App Store. The full version is also available to purchase in BlackBerry App World (for six months of service).'s feed sponsored by TrainSchedule Now Available In App World - Put Train Schedules On Your BlackBerry

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Tags : blackberry, rim
Samedi 4 Juillet 2009

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