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Get your RemotePC on, Homebrew Style (Updated)

Update: As noted to us by many, this isn't true VNC, since it doesn't work with the true VNC protocol.  The app has been renamed RemoteWIN, and we regret the mistake.  thanks to everybody who set this straight!

Sure, you can (as many have) use the Classic PalmOS emulator to run a PalmOS VNC client to get access to your desktop on the Pre. You can also hit up webos-internals for the Linux-y version.  Neither option has that Native Palm Pre App Smell to it, you know?

Well, just added to our Homebrew App Gallery (en route, we hope, to the official App Catalog): PreVNC. In conjunction with a Windows desktop client (check out the forum thread for more details on that), you can get access to your desktop directly from your Pre. 

Deep Thought Software calls it a work in progress, so your mileage may vary, but if nothing else, there doesn't appear to be any shortage of sweet power-user utilities in Homebrew land.


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Tags : palm, pré
Mardi 1 Septembre 2009

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