: l'actualité du marketing mobile

CrackBerry Mobile App Store Client A to Z

With the last A to Z we checked out BlackBerry App World, and in the comments to that post it was requested that I also do an A to Z of the CB app store client. So now, by popular demand, it's time to see how the CrackBerry App Store gets the job done. This one is a bit longer (since there was more to pack in) but covers all the aspects of CrackBerry's app store client. There are many compellng reasons as to why you should keep a copy of the CrackBerry App Store on your BlackBerry. Watch the vieo above to find out why or jump over to to learn more and download. Don't forget, in addition to the to the on-device client, there is also the mobile-optimized webstore ( and our full-out computer-optimized app store (click on App Store on our main menu). You can learn more about them at second link below.'s feed sponsored by CrackBerry Mobile App Store Client A to Z

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Tags : blackberry, rim
Vendredi 23 Octobre 2009

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