: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Verizon CEO Re-Confirms Verizon Android Devices


Verizon has a great network in the United States. However, Verizon also has perhaps the weakest product line among all US carriers. This combination often leads Verizon customers to clamor for the next big phone launch, hoping & wishing that it'll be for Big Red. And though they're usually disappointed, it looks like the future is much, much brighter.

According to Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam:

“Over the next six months or so,” he said, “you will see devices like the Palm Pre and the Cousin on our network from Palm. You will see a second-generation [BlackBerry] Storm. You will see a new device we call the Tour from BlackBerry as well. That is an upscale of any other QWERTY-based devices that we have from BlackBerry today.”

He continued, “You’ll see Motorola back into our portfolio. We feel very good about the progress that the Motorola team has made. And, yes, you’re going to see Android devices as well.”

So how about that? Big Red and Android happy and together! We had previously reported that Verizon's first Android device would be the Motorola Calgary. We think that still stands. What do you guys think?


Source :

Tags : android, google
Mardi 16 Juin 2009

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