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Snapchat is making a big move in this European country

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Snap is getting serious about growing as a global news network. 

Snapchat launched its first localized Discover channel in Norway with VG, the most widely read online newspaper in the country, the companies announced Monday. 

Snapchat and Discover aren't brand-new to Norway. What's changed is that Snapchat users in the country now have access to an exclusive, localized channel.

That comes along with new content guidelines for publishers and a mobile redesign Monday, all ahead of its expected initial public offering later this year. 

Why Norway? It's an area of highly active users, according to Snap. The company declined to share exact numbers in the region. Snapchat has more than 50 million daily active Snapchat users in Europe overall.  Read more...

More about Business, Tech, Norway, Publishing, and Media
, date: January 23, 2017 at 04:14PM, nom: Mashable, rien: sharetwit, site:, tag: Mobile2.0,Top blogs - high-tech, titre: Snapchat is making a big move in this European country

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Lundi 23 Janvier 2017

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