: l'actualité du marketing mobile

BlackBerry Visor Mount Speakerphone Reality Review - part 1

The BlackBerry Visor Mount Speakerphone is RIM's latest accessory of note, allowing you to take advantage of Bluetooth and go hands-free in your car. We first caught wind of it back at the Consumer Electronics Show in January and got a good walk-through of it in April at CTIA Wireless. Research in Motion has put a lot of thought into the Visor Mount's design and functionality - you can tell this is one of those accessories they want every BlackBerry owner to buy (assuming your vehicle isn't pre-equipped with Bluetooth). They'll have some competition though from existing best-selling speakerphones including the Jabra SP700 and the Blueant Supertooth 3.

We'll be getting the BlackBerry Visor Mount in stock at soon and will bring you the full review then. In the meantime, I just couldn't wait to post Part I of this reality review up. DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT. I had some fun on this one. Let me know what you think in the comments! :-)'s feed sponsored by BlackBerry Visor Mount Speakerphone Reality Review - part 1

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Tags : blackberry, rim
Lundi 15 Juin 2009

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