: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Congrats to Where's Free Palm Pre Winner!

Where asked you to create a love letter or video to the Palm Pre in exchange for the chance to win one.  We saw quite a few heartfelt missives in our forums but in the end there could be only one.  That one was chosen by Where and it was forum member Rawandvital

His video submission is above and it's just how a love letter should be: sweet without being treacly, the sort of thing that won't embarrass you in ten years when your mother digs it out of a shoebox in the attic and shows it to your new girlfriend.  We also like the stop-motion effect, if only because stop-motion is as close as the Pre can get to recording video at the moment.

Congrats, Rawandvital!

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Tags : palm, pré
Mardi 7 Juillet 2009

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