: l'actualité du marketing mobile

webOS 1.2 hits the scene

Just a quick heads up to those of you that are running with the Palm Pre — webOS 1.2 has been officially released and is now available for download. Bug fixes make up the majority of the changes, but new features include the ability to purchase apps (which has yet to go live) and the [...]


Just a quick heads up to those of you that are running with the Palm Pre — webOS 1.2 has been officially released and is now available for download. Bug fixes make up the majority of the changes, but new features include the ability to purchase apps (which has yet to go live) and the ability to download tracks from Amazon over Sprint’s EV-DO network as opposed to nothing but Wi-Fi. Has iTunes syncing returned? We doubt it, but we’re still waiting for our army of Pre’s to boot up. Until then…

UPDATE: Just like we thought, iTunes syncing is not working.


Source :

Lundi 28 Septembre 2009

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