: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Talkin' Pre -- Week ending 14 September

[YouTube Link]

Although last week was a short work week, activity in the wireless and gadget world seemed to be in hyperdrive. Sprint and T-Mobile had announcements. Apple held their "dog and pony" with Steve Jobs returning to the stage. And speaking of returns, during the kickoff of the NFL season on Thursday night, Sprint's CEO Dan Hesse showed up in a number of commercials. The big story for Palm (and Sprint) was the unveiling of the Pixi. And pricing confusion reigned once again.

In the midst of all that news, let's not forget that sometimes it's about the joy of a new Palm Pre - above, an oft-twittered video of just that. :)

Without further ado, let's talk Pre!

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Tags : palm, pré
Lundi 14 Septembre 2009

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