: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Apps for the Office Life…

Here in the Vancouver Nokia office, we happen to be quite a fun-loving group. Most of our Games team has been based here for the last few years, and now quite a few of us from the Store are also based here. If you’ve ever worked in an office, you know that generally it has a [...]

Here in the Vancouver Nokia office, we happen to be quite a fun-loving group. Most of our Games team has been based here for the last few years, and now quite a few of us from the Store are also based here.

If you’ve ever worked in an office, you know that generally it has a sort of library mentality where we keep our voices down and if you get too loud you cover your mouth and duck with embarassment.  An implicit rule of thumb that may be too implicit for some (although now there have been quite a few sudden cheers here in our office with the Olympics going on practically next door).  Every office does have its loud group/team etc., and in my case it’s my boss.  Aside from his random 19th Century British cultural references, 80’s rap music allusions, and inexplicable meowing (yes, like a cat..), his bursts of laughter can be heard across the floor.  And such, we’ve decided to have fun with this.

My cube-mates and I have started a pool for a buck each, to count how many times a day we hear the bursts of laughter.  We took a Nokia 5230 touch device, went to Store and installed Counter Touch (a simple 2EUR app that does what the name implies), BackLight (a 1EUR app that keeps your device from sleeping), and plugged it in so we could keep it running all day.  We placed the device in the middle wall of our four cubes so that whoever hears that burst of laughter first can just tap the counter.  Makes for some good times a la the Store!

The count so far for the past 3 days are 11, 2 and 16.  Our pool starts at 20 so we have all grossly over-estimated.

Now every time my boss laughs we all get excited reaching for the buzzer.  Suppose it isn’t cheating if we go tell him jokes, especially ones with Cockney slang, Flava Flav, and felines.  Wonder if he’ll catch wind of this post…

Gotta enjoy the simpler things in office life.



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Tags : nokia, ovi
Mardi 23 Février 2010

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