Fuze and Touch Dual Give-Away!

Are you still using that old Motorola MPX220? Did your dog eat your Treo 750? Did you leave your HTC Dual on the roof of your car as you pulled out of the driveway? If you've wanted to upgrade your phone or have recently seen your  phone lose a battle with a lawn mower, we might have the answer to all your problems.

Recently at CTIA, HTC sported a mini Wheel o' Prizes and our own Dieter Bohn and our pal CrackBerry Kevin won an AT&T Fuze and a Touch Dual. Their win is your win, because the thing to do with these WinMo Wonders is to give them away! 

So, if you have an ancient (or not-so-ancient) phone or your phone has recently become unserviceable (a.k.a. destroyed) we want your story.

The rules of the contest are simple. Email us your story on how your phone isn't cutting the mustard or how it has been destroyed beyond all hope of use or repair.  Then tell us how a new Windows Mobile phone would improve your sad, sad situation.

Submissions need to be emailed to (.jpg images are welcomed in support of your case) with the subject line "WMExperts Giveaway" and must be received by 5:00 p.m. EST on May 11, 2009. Our crack editorial staff will review the entries and during the following week, we'll publish the top stories, announcing the winner that Friday (May 15th). The top winner will receive the Fuze, a runner up will receive the Touch Dual! 

So if you're still connecting your phone via a serial cable or your AT&T Tilt was found in the laundry room washing machine, now's your chance to win your very own AT&T Fuze or Touch Dual!

Source :

Lundi 27 Avril 2009

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