The Soul Searchers: the grand finale!

As you know, The Soul Searchers reached their destination, Melbourne, a couple of weeks ago. They have traveled thousands of kilometers on the Australian coastline from Perth, they have experienced Ovi on their Nokia N8 and they have sent fantastic pictures to make sure we were really envying them Today ...

As you know, The Soul Searchers reached their destination, Melbourne, a couple of weeks ago. They have traveled thousands of kilometers on the Australian coastline from Perth, they have experienced Ovi on their Nokia N8 and they have sent fantastic pictures to make sure we were really envying them

Today I have some additional shots taken in Melbourne to share with you. As usual, they speak for themselves… And I think that yes, our friends find their soul during this amazing journey!

-Pino (@haikus)

Mmm sweet, isn’t it?

Make up please!

Wow, back in Berlin that bears was much shorter!

And here the real hero of this journey!

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Tags : nokia ovi
Mardi 22 Février 2011

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