Sony Ericsson Posts Q1 Loss, Says Android Phone Has Some Time To Go

A lot of phone manufacturer's Android plans are kept tightly under wraps and probably none more so than Sony Ericsson, but when Sony Ericsson posted its third straight quarterly loss with their Q1 loss at €358 million we fully expected them to announce their Android plans to boost morale. Not so fast says CEO Hideki Komiyama because according to his interview with Reuters:

"[Going Android] does require a lot of evaluation, as well as a lot of testing, a lot of acceptance from a consumer viewpoint, and there is still some time to go."

Hey Mr. Komiyama, you know what could raise interest to your product line and potentially increase profits? A Sony Ericsson Android device! The last thing this smartphone market needs is another delayed Android device so if you're smart (or at least have brains) you'd put all your resources into putting an Android phone that beats the market. We're not saying, we're just saying..

[via engadget]

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Tags : android google
Lundi 20 Avril 2009

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