So much for Walmart; Amazon selling BlackBerry Curve 8520 for $0.01

Sorry Walmart, it looks like your time in the sun was over before it began — at least as far as the BlackBerry Curve 8520 is concerned. Not really of course, since Walmart presents the handset to an entirely new range of consumers across the country, but you know what we mean. We spilled the [...]

Sorry Walmart, it looks like your time in the sun was over before it began — at least as far as the BlackBerry Curve 8520 is concerned. Not really of course, since Walmart presents the handset to an entirely new range of consumers across the country, but you know what we mean. We spilled the beans on 8520 pricing from Walton’s legacy ages ago and it has been the talk of the town ever since. Fast forward to launch day however, and we find that Amazon has swooped in to smash Walmart’s $49 price all over the floor. How does 1¢ on contract without ever having to leave your couch sound? Yeah, we thought so.

Thanks, Aravinda!


Source :

Mercredi 5 Aout 2009

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