Palm To Deliver SDK By End Of Summer

After many weeks of silence from Palm about their Early Access Program, Palm's one and only Chuq Von Rospach, the Developer Community Manager posted an update on the Palm Developer Network blog.   Although no specific release date is mentioned, Chuq does say that they hope to get the SDK to everyone by the end of summer.

Very nice news or very disappointing news, depending on your point of view -- especially with the lack of new apps in the App Catalog as of late. Chuq even laid out Palm's plan of action:

Beginning immediately, we’ll accelerate the growth of the early access program, expanding as quickly as resources allow. Over the next few weeks, the program will grow from hundreds to thousands of developers.Simultaneously, we’ll begin publishing more content outside the early access program, and we’ll launching new confidentiality rules that will allow early Mojo developers to communicate more freely with the rest of the world.As soon as we can, we’ll open the SDK to all legitimate requests.

Add to that Chuq recently alluded that Palm would be exiting their "stealth mode" soon, and Palm would appear to becoming a much more developer friendly and transparent with the community, in the near future.

Oh, and if you are a developer and still haven't applied for the Early Access Program, you can do so here.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in

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Tags : palm pré
Vendredi 19 Juin 2009

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