Palm Q1 2010 Earning Report: September 17

As Annie mentioned last week, Palm has announced that their first quarter fiscal year 2010 financial results will be announced at 4 PM EST on Thursday, September 17. Following that will be a public conference call at 4:30 PM EST, hosted by Palm CEO Jon Rubinstein and CFO Doug Jefferies. Palm’s Investor Relations website has all the details if you're the sort who enjoys listening to these things live (we are, but we're also, you know, a Palm-centric website).

It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for. Okay, not really, but it’s still the day on which we could finally find out just how many Pre phones Palm has sold. At least we better find out, lest Palm risk the rioting of tech bloggers and analysts in the streets (they did, after all, dodge the question on their last call). It’ll be a rather quiet riot, but a riot nonetheless.

So two weeks until we know and the analysts (and we) can stop wringing our idle hands in fear of Pre sales numbers. Or so we hope.

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Tags : palm pré
Mercredi 2 Septembre 2009

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