Get your Crunchy Classic Questions Answered

Curious about just how much Classic can handle, PalmOS-wise?  MotionApps has you covered with another Q&A with crunchier details about the system.  Good news: full access to the network, ability to run both ARM and 68k code, direct screen memory access, support for email clients, and no Blazer (come on: you know that's good news in your heart of hearts).  Bad news: still no direct interaction with webOS, no ability to run multiple instances of Classic (a limitation of the webOS, actually), no GPS, and no Bluetooth.  That last bit is a bit of a bummer, as we'd been hoping we could use Classic and DocsToGo as a sneaky workaround to the lack of Bluetooth Keyboard support on the Pre. 

The most notable: bit: when you think "Classic," think "Centro."  As in: 320x320 screen support.

Have a questions about Classic?  We have a direct bat-phone-style line, so post up what you want to know in our comments (or hit us up on the contact form) and we'll do our level best to get an answer for you.  In the meantime, we've already covered the basics in our "How To: Copy Your PalmOS Treo or Centro Apps into Classic on the webOS" article.

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Tags : palm pré
Lundi 13 Avril 2009

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