Get Thousands of Web Apps on your Pre Right Now

Longtime Smartphone followers remember the early days of the iPhone -- before their genuine App Store -- when Apple claimed that there was "No SDK Needed" and told everybody to go ahead and make Web Apps instead of native apps for the iPhone.

Make them they did, as the iPhone had a great webkit-based browser and cool functionality.  You know another phone with the same?  Yep, the Pre.  Several folks have written in to remind us of this very fact -- that many/most of those web apps designed for the iPhone work just dandily on the Palm Pre. 

There's a fine list of them at as noted by TomTongueBarry in our forums or if you're looking for something a little more Pre-friendly, Rob just jogged our memory by pointing us to the listing found at

So while we're stuck waiting until the end of summer waiting for the webOS SDK to be fully released and therefore stuck in a very similar limbo to what  early iPhone users experienced, it's a nice stopgap.  The Pre and the iPhone browsers are awfully close in functionality and so it makes sense that these webapps would work. 

Don't forget to add your favorites to your launcher to increase that app feel (and heck, there's probably some opportunities for homebrewers here too).  Web app developers - just in case you're listening - we're guessing it won't take but a few hours to convert your awesome web app into an awesome native webOS app when the time comes.  After all, webOS uses the very same tools for their native apps that you used to build your web app.

What are you favorite web apps for the Pre?  Let us know in the comments!

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Tags : palm pré
Samedi 20 Juin 2009

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