Comparison of POP/IMAP clients and services for S60 devices

Readers often ask me questions about email clients on the S60 platform and which is best. Jeb Brilliant posted a mobile email application review that takes a look at all the major clients and applications available for the S60 platform for IMAP and POP accounts. This comparison does not present Exchange solutions like Mail for [...]

Readers often ask me questions about email clients on the S60 platform and which is best. Jeb Brilliant posted a mobile email application review that takes a look at all the major clients and applications available for the S60 platform for IMAP and POP accounts. This comparison does not present Exchange solutions like Mail for Exchange and RoadSync.

I personally prefer the Nokia Email/Messaging client because I enjoy the UI of it and don’t need a ton of power features on my phone. If/when Nokia starts charging for this client I will have to evaluate whether or not the price is worth the cost or not. I have tried the XpressMail client on my E71x (branded version of Seven), but it uses the standard Nokia Messaging client and I prefer the new Nokia Email UI.

What is your preferred method for POP/IMAP email access on your S60 device?

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Tags : nokia s60
Vendredi 12 Juin 2009

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