: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Comes With Music comes to China!

I love music. Yes, it’s not the catchy phrase that you’re used to read at the beginning of a blog post – I should have probably shared with you how I spent the first nights as a Comes With Music customer browsing through different genres and downloading thousands of songs in couple of nights… needless [...]

I love music. Yes, it’s not the catchy phrase that you’re used to read at the beginning of a blog post – I should have probably shared with you how I spent the first nights as a Comes With Music customer browsing through different genres and downloading thousands of songs in couple of nights… needless to say that there was not much time left to sleep! But, that is something you’ve probably done too if you are living in one of the dozens of countries where we have a Comes With Music and/or the a la carte music store. So, let me rephrase: I love music and I am a Comes With Music fan. And I am excited that with the Comes With Music launch in China, Nokia adds momentum and accelerates its digital music leadership in high growth markets.

We know from Forrester research “The future of Music on Cell Phones” that 70% of adult Chinese mobile subscribers listen to music on their phone at least once a month. By comparison, 27% of British and 10% of US adult subscribers used their mobile devices to play tunes. If my math is correct, this means that from the total of approximately 750 million mobile subscribers, over 500 million are using their mobile phones to listen to music. In China, online music is the most popular use of internet users compared to other services. This is a competitive market with music services like Google Music, Baidu and Kuwo. Music enthusiasts can even upload their own creations to platforms provided by A8 music, enter competitions, get public voting and become grassroots self-made starts with own fans and followers. However, as our consumer studies show, improvements are still expected: consumers find advertisements annoying, track tags are frequently incorrect, quality of downloaded files varies (and they can even be corrupted or incorrectly labeled), album art is not available, PC song management is basic, PC to mobile synchronization is basic and so on.

Comes With Music is addressing all these weaknesses and even more. Nokia is a market leader in China, and with Ovi Music it launched a revolutionary music offering as it enables consumers to discover, enjoy  and share high quality music in a fast and safe way – anytime, anywhere. It’s a high quality end-to-end music experience: buying a Comes With Music device gives you access to download unlimited tracks using either registered mobile device or any PC. We’ve done our best to get the perfect mix of local and global content in a DRM free format for easy sharing and listening. And all this is at no additional cost. It’s simple and easy: one click to activate, one click to download a full album, one click to transfer music. Not to forget that with Ovi Player you can enjoy richer music management experience including mobile optimized synchronization. And everything is available on a wide range of Nokia devices at different price points. This is more than revolutionary, this is a complete music solution that no music fan can ignore.

And finally, a question to you: how is your music experience?

Source :

Tags : nokia, ovi
Jeudi 8 Avril 2010

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