: l'actualité du marketing mobile

Chat with Microsoft about Windows Mobile 6.5

One of the events at today's Microsoft Open House was a sit-down chat with Elizabeth Sloan, Senior Marketing Manager for Windows Mobile.

Not a whole lot of secrets were spilled and we were certainly not expecting any (Project Pink? No comment). Still, it's nice to hear the ideas behind the decisions of Windows Mobile 6.5, the branding, the Marketplace, etc. Here is a brief recap of some of the things discussed:

  • The three screens approach: PC, Web & Phone — we've heard Ballmer talk about this and it is the guiding philosophy behind all of their devices/services going forward
  • Marketplace offers a full refund within 24 hours if you do not like the program you purchased
  • We will be hearing a "steady drumbeat" of announcements from Microsoft over the next few months
  • 30 Windows phones, in 3 months — more later
  • OS version numbers are bad — getting away from that approach
  • Sorry about the no-carrier updates, but they operate on their own schedule — Microsoft takes a hands-off approach when dealing with the carriers — nothing is mandated by Microsoft, not even GPS or hardware.  OEMs? Starting to look like a different story obviously
  • 200-plus program in Marketplace today — huge focus and emphasis on quality, rigorous testing and high standards. Microsoft works closely with the developers
  • Focusing on consumer now that the business end is solid; also the consumer/professional is the same person = one phone

For my Twitter followers, I tried to ask some of your questions, or others did, but of course, no comment (though she would love to tell us). All in all Microsoft is pretty proud of WM6.5 as it should be — it's a darn solid OS and the new services are top-notch.

And thanks, Elizabeth, for a great Windows Mobile open house!

Source :

Mardi 6 Octobre 2009

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